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SNES Weekly News Oct. 7


Hello families, 

I hope you had a good weekend. We are starting to see the turn of the weather, but it is still lovely to be out and about in this fall weather. Now that we are into October, there is good community in classrooms and there is great learning momentum! October is a month where students settle into some good learning, and teachers are able to implement targeted programming towards the specific learning needs in their classes. 

Some highlights include:

  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – We had a great assembly on Sept. 27 for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. There were so many students who participated by wearing orange! Mrs. Corner did a presentation about what this day means, and we were all impacted by the drumming presented by Mr. Marsh’s Gr. ¾ class. They played “The Travelling Song” and “We are all one” for us. Some of our classes joined the reconciliation walk that afternoon. There was great learning in all classes about residential schools and reflections on the part we all play towards reconciliation. You will see Mrs. Bonikowsky's class writing highlighted here as they reflected on the story of "Shi Shi Etko" and her experience in a residental school
  • Writing assessments – Fall writing assessments are well underway! Each class has different writing pieces they have been working on to demonstrate their writing skills. 
  • Literacy programs – In hand with writing, literacy programs are well underway. Students are working on spelling, word work, grammar, and our primary students are working hard on their developing phonetic skills 
  • Math assessments are also well underway! Primary multi-age math stations begin this week.
  • Student vote – Our intermediate classes are doing studies on government, which dovetails so well with the upcoming election. The classes will be putting on their own vote after they learn all about government and the electoral process. It is a very engaging and fun experience for all. 
  • Buddy classes – We have seen several buddy class activities well underway. All students are enjoying getting to know their new buddy through these activities and are building relationships that will grow throughout our school community
  • Art – So many art projects are being completed! Our intermediates completed art pieces for the Kootenay calendar contest, art card pictures are being finished, self portraits and collages are done. 
  • Cottonwood Lake – Our Gr. 4/5/6 classes had a day of outdoor learning on Friday at Cottonwood Lake. They spent the morning with a Wildsight educator playing games such as “hunted in the forest”,  5 senses activities, and some writing in their own sit spots. They rode their bikes back to school on the rail trail and had a fun (yet wet and muddy!) time.
  • We continue to have classes head to Kokanee Creek for their salmon life cycle programming.  As a follow up to their trip, Mrs. Zuccaro’s class read “The Heart of a River” and created a model clay landscape to represent their learning. 
  • Outdoor programming continues! As usual, students have been outdoors exploring the local community and forests

A few reminders for you:

  1. Student outerwear – We saw quite a shift in the weather last week. We are starting to have some cool and wet weather. Please make sure that your child is coming prepared for the weather, whatever may come, during the day. It can be quite unpredictable, and often our classes go outside for significant parts of the day for outdoor learning. Students should have warm jackets, rain jackets, water proof shoes, etc.. Always better to be overprepared than not!


Some upcoming dates (you can also find these posted on our calendar:

  1. Oct. 10 – Picture day
  2. Oct. 11 – Fire Safety presentation by the Nelson Fire department 
  3. Oct. 14 – Thanksgiving Day (no school)
  4. Oct. 16-17 – Early Dismissal days (1:30pm dismissal) Please sign up for a time to come and meet with your child’s teacher
  5. Oct. 18 – District Cross Country running meet
  6. Oct. 18 – Family movie night! “Inside Out 2”
  7. Oct. 25 – ProD day
  8. Oct. 29 – Picture retake day


Finally, some family learning! 

Thanksgiving is coming up this weekend. Here is a link to some activities you can do with your children. There are arts and crafts, gratitude activities, recipes, and ideas for family connection. I hope you do something special together!

That’s it for now. Reminder no school on Monday Oct. 14.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Snell