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SNES News Oct. 21


Hello families, 

I trust you all had a great weekend of rest! The weather has certainly taken a change and we can now enjoy these blustery, cool and wet days. Make sure your child is dressing for the weather! Including extra clothes/socks in backpacks is a good idea too!  

Some highlights from last week include:

  • Classroom open houses – Many classes had open houses last week, in addition to opportunities for parent-teacher conferencing. I hope you enjoyed getting to see your child’s work, their classroom and getting an update on their learning. I know teachers really enjoyed seeing you all and getting to know you! Feel free to reach out to your teacher if you have any questions along the way.
  • Student Vote – The Gr. 4/5/6 classes have been learning about government and finished off their studies by participating in Student Vote. Everyone had a chance to cast their ballot! For more information see the blog post here:
  • Family Movie Night -was a huge success! Thank you to all who came out!
  • SD8 International Program – They participated in movie night and were here to hand out tatoos and raise awareness of their homestay program. If you are interested in hosting an International Student, you can find more information on the website here;

A few reminders for you:

  1. Student outerwear – The weather is getting cooler! Please make sure that your child is coming prepared for the weather, whatever may come, during the day. It can be quite unpredictable, and often our classes go outside for significant parts of the day for outdoor learning. Students should have warm jackets, rain jackets, water proof shoes, etc.. Always better to be overprepared than not!
  2. Halloween – Halloween is coming soon! As you plan your child’s costume, please be mindful of the SD8 Halloween expectations. See this announcement for guidelines.


Some upcoming dates (you can also find these posted on our calendar:

  1. Oct. 25 – ProD day
  2. Oct. 29 – Picture retake day
  3. Oct. 31 – Halloween – costume parade
  4. Nov. 1 – Pajama day
  5. Nov. 8 – Remembrance Day Assembly
  6. Nov. 11- Remembrance Day holiday – NO SCHOOL


Finally, some family learning! 

Here are some resources to help you support the learning at home this week:

  1. Want some fun Halloween themed learning activities for kids this week? Check out some of these ideas that are good for kids of all ages:
  2. Concerned about trick-or-treating this year? Here are some great suggestions for how to celebrate Halloween together as a family without the trick or treating:

That’s it for now. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Snell