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SNES News March 11


Hello Families,

Happy Monday! It is the last week before Spring Break – I am sure everyone is getting excited to have some time off. I hope you and your family are staying well, as it seems another little bout of colds and tummy sickness is going around. Hang in there for one more week ?

See below for this week’s update.

Have a wonderful break together. We will see you back on April 2!

Have a great week!

Last week’s highlights include:

  • Gr. 2/3’s read a book about “Flat Stanley” who could fit in an envelope and travel. They created their own “Flat Stanley’s” and took him on trips as well. Some great writing emerged from the adventures.
  • Gr. 3/4/5’s went to Trafalgar for a presentation of “The Wizard of Oz”
  • Gr. 2/3’s had perfect, beautiful weather for cross country skiing
  • Shayna Jones visited our school for a performance of storytelling. She captivated all students with her stories and songs.
  • Play in the K was a great success! It was great to meet some of our upcoming Kindergarten students. The next one is on April 19. If you know of any families with children starting K in September, please pass the word! See here for more information:
  • Learning Updates (Report cards) were published on Friday. These were amazing! Please go into MyEd to read them. Teachers worked very hard to provide for you a beautiful celebration of your child’s learning. See this link for instructions on MyEd and the BC reporting:

A few pieces of information/reminders for you:

  1. Fresh to you Fundraiser! We are doing a “Fresh to you” fundraiser through the BC fruit and veggie program. It is a fundraiser where families can purchase bundles of fresh produce. We earn 40% on the profits, which will go directly to our school food program. Here is a link for information and to order. Please spread the word and feel free to send the link to family and friends. We need a minimum of 40 orders. Ordering is open until Wednesday March 13 and orders will be ready for pick up between April 9-19
  2. Dress for the weather – With the unpredictable weather we have coming our way, please ensure your children are dressed for the weather each day and have some extra clothes tucked inside their backpack.  Having spare gloves, or jackets/splashpants helps as well.  Reminder that at this time of year, the weather can change throughout the day, so best to be prepared for anything!
  3. Lost and Found – Please see this announcement for pictures of our lost and found. If you see something that is yours, or have a moment to drop by and look through, please come and take what belongs to your child(ren). We’d like to have this cleaned up by spring break, at which time we will be donating what is left.

Some upcoming dates (you can also find these posted on our calendar:

  1. March 12-PAC meeting 6:30pm
  2. March 12 – Gr. 2/3 Cross-country skiing
  3. March 14 – Whitewater skiing
  4. March 15 – Gr. ½ TaeKwonDo showcase
  5. March 15 - Tropical Dance Party! 
  6. March 16-April 1 – Spring Break/Easter
  7. April 2 – First day back to school
  8. April 16 – Scholastic Book Fair
  9. April 24/25 – Early dismissal days
  10. April 24 – Watch for some info to come about our Family Math Open House!


Family learning resources:

As part of this term’s learning updates, students completed self assessments of their learning.

I encourage you to go over these with your child and have meaningful conversations about their strengths and areas of growth.

As you set goals with your child for next term, here are a few resources you can use to help guide the conversation.

Video: How to Set Goals (4 Easy Steps)

Blog: 4 Steps to Goal Setting for Kids  It includes steps you can walk through with your child to set out SMART goals, as well as downloadable templates you can use.


Have a great week and fantastic Spring Break!

Mrs. Snell