SNES News Jan. 13
Hello Families,
Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend.
See below for this week’s update.
Last week’s highlights include:
- Classroom connections – Classes were excited to greet peers and staff again and get caught up on the holiday news! We got back into some good routines and deep learning.
- GROWS assembly – We ended the week with our GROWS assembly focusing on our code of conduct. The focus was on “R” – RESPECT. We learned about what respect means and then did a multi- age activity on what respect looks like, sounds like and feels like. Students were very engaged and respectful!
- Meaning of Home writing contest - The Meaning of Home contest invites students in grades 4, 5, and 6 to submit a poem or essay explaining what home means to them. It is a great opportunity for students to learn about giving back to their community and the importance of having a safe home while improving their creative writing skills and raising money for their local Habitat organization.
- Volleyball – Intermediate students are getting ready for the upcoming Volleyball tournament at the end of this month. There is a lot of fun practice and skill development happening in the gym these days!
A few pieces of information/reminders for you:
- Please ensure your child(ren) dress for the weather. We have a combination of weather coming up and though it may be warm some days, we may have some cold mornings. As usual, if possible, tuck in a change of clothes in case playground mishaps happen!
- Play in the K – Kindergarten registration is now open! We are hosting a series of events for our upcoming Kindies to come and play in our Kindergarten classrooms to get familiar with the space, the teachers, and each other to help with their transition in January. Please spread the word and encourage anyone you know with Kindergarten aged students to be sure to register.
- Enrolment for 2024-25 – We are starting to look at our projections for enrolment next year. If you anticipate no longer being at South Nelson next year, please let us know.
- Volunteers needed – our Whitewater ski days are coming up and we still need a few more volunteers. If you can help out, please email Chaperone passes are available.
Some upcoming dates (you can also find these posted on our calendar:
Jan. 20 – ProD day – no school
Jan. 24 – Gr. 4/5 Volleyball tournament
Play in the K
Jan. 31 – GROWS Assembly
PAC movie night
Feb. 14 – ProD Day – no school
Feb. 17 – Family Day – no school
Family learning resources:
January can be a very dark and cold time of year. Though we don’t yet have the colder temperatures and amount of snow we usually do, it is still a great time of year to get outdoors. It is especially important for kids to still be getting outdoor exercise and exploration during these dark days.
Here is a great article about the benefits of getting outside in the winter and some great ideas (100+) of things you can do as a family to enjoy the winter, regardless of the different type of weather we may get.
I hope you have fun together as a family outside!
Have a great week,
Mrs. Snell