SNES News Sept. 23

Hello families,
Welcome back from the weekend! I hope you had a great weekend. It looks like we still have some beautiful summer-ish weather ahead of us this week. Please remind your children that the mornings are still cool and they will need a hoodie. Also, to ensure they bring their sweaters in as they peel them off on the playground!
Some highlights include:
- Classroom learning is well underway. Teachers have been collecting assessments and evidence of learning to tailor instruction to student needs. Spelling, word work and reading programs have begun in earnest.
- Preparations for, and follow up from, Kokanee Creek programming. Classes have been studying life cycles, river ecology and habitats along with their field trips.
- As usual, students have been outdoors exploring the local community and forests
- Cross country running practice started! We have a school wide run every Monday and Wednesday morning. Cross country running practices will be on Tuesdays at 7:50am for students in grades 2-6 who will want to participate in the district event. We have some strong runners on our team!
- Art card art has begun! Each year students create a piece of art that is turned into cards for the holidays. There is some beautiful artwork in process for this!
- PAC meeting - thanks to everyone who came out to the PAC meeting on Tuesday! It was great to see you all and hear about the great things that are planned this year. If you would like to get involved, please check out our PAC page for contact details.
A few reminders for you:
- Lost and Found – With the shift in weather these days, students are coming to school with sweaters, but then taking them off at recess/lunch on the playground! We have a collection starting of clothing items in our lost and found as a result. Please come by and have a look for what might be yours.
Some upcoming dates (you can also find these posted on our calendar:
- Sept. 26 – Family Engagement Webinar - Digital Trends
- Sept. 27 – Truth and Reconciliation assembly (9:30am) – Parents are welcome to join us!
- Sept. 30 – Truth and Reconciliation stat holiday – NO SCHOOL
- Oct. 14 – Thanksgiving Day
- Oct. 16-17 – Early Dismissal days (1:30pm dismissal)
Finally, some family learning!
Truth and Reconciliation – This can be a difficult conversation to have with young children, however it is important to address in a developmentally sensitive way. Here are a few links that will help you support their child in their learning:
Monique Gray Smith – “Speaking our Truth – Why we need to learn”
What is Orange Shirt Day?
Acts of Reconciliation to do with your child:
Nelson Events:
Here are a few Truth and Reconciliation events happening around Nelson you may be interested in:
- Taghum Hall 10am -
- Lakeside Park Rotary Shelter from 1-4pm
That’s it for now.
Have a wonderful week and don’t forget – no school on Friday!
Mrs. Snell