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SNES News - Feb. 27-Mar. 3

Hello Families,

We have another busy week with preparation for the upcoming concert on Mar. 16th! These music opportunities are supported by PAC fundraising, if you are able, please support the Purdy’s fundraiser going on right now (see attached flier).


IMG_9662.jpgA huge thank you to all the intermediate teachers and Ms. Douglas for helping support the Gr. 4 and 5 PE curriculum by arranging skiing. It was a cold day, but still lots of fun. Please remember, as all the Gr. 4 and 5 teachers are skiing, and the Gr. 2/3 teachers are taking in the Gr. 3s from the Gr. 3/4 classes, there is no room in classes for students in Gr. 4 or 5 that do not wish to participate in this part of the PE curriculum. A huge thank you to the Gr. 2/3 teachers who have welcomed and planned for the Gr. 3s to join them.


The whole school has focused this month on kindness and celebrating the positive actions of others. Attached is some of the work the students have been doing to understand and support each other. Children can be so wise!


Our Pink Shirt Day assembly was a great way to celebrate and share all of the kindness pledges, which can be seen written in the Pink Shirt collage. We will continue to collect acts of kindness and celebrate the caring we are seeing in our students.


Week in Review

Monday, Feb. 27th – Student Council Meeting at Lunch

Tuesday, Feb. 28th

Wednesday, Mar. 1 – Reading Link Challenge, Basketball Practice, Walking Wednesdays for Gr. 2/3 (Finnie)

Thursday, Mar. 2 -

Friday, Mar. 3 – Gr. 4 and 5s skiing


Next Concert is March 16th – from 1:15-2:10 – We ask that parents wait until the lunch break bell ring before entering the school, so that we can get students into classrooms, eating their lunch and out of the hallways before getting parents welcomed and seated in the gym on concert day.



As we move into spring and the wet muddy season, please check your child’s spare clothes supply. A full set to change into is often required: underpants, socks, pants and shirt. Students are often most comfortable in their own clothes. We have also depleted our spare clothes, if you have some clothes (especially pants) that your child has grown out of, we are looking for some spares to set aside for student emergency need. Having now begun to know this community, I know this request will quickly be filled, please check in with the office before bringing items, we don’t want to store too many either. ?


We now have a community bulletin board at the Latimer Street entrance. There are a couple spring break options for students. Please note, that neither the school nor the district vet these community notices, we encourage you to do your due diligence when reviewing them for your family. If you have items that you think the SNES families might be interested in knowing about, you are welcome to add them to the Community board. Fair Notice - although we do not vet these items, we will monitor and remove items that we do not feel are appropriate for an elementary school.



EASE at Home (Everyday Anxiety Strategies)

It can be hard for adults to know what to say or do to ease a child’s worries, especially during times of change and uncertainty. As the most important big people in their world, parents and caregivers can help children feel safer and soften the sharp edges of whatever is making their worries grow.





SD#8 in the News

This week’s news roundup: (CBC Radio Daybreak South – go to 1:19:13 to hear Director of Instruction – Inclusive Learning Deanna Holitizki’s interview) (Nelson Star – Black Press. Mentions former LVR student who died in avalanche recently) (The Nelson Daily - Lonesheep Publications) (The Nelson Daily - Lonesheep Publications – SD8 mentioned at the end of the article as “Most Improved School District”) (Nelson Star – Black Press)




Jann Schmidt


Principal South Nelson Elementary School

Kootenay Lake School District #8

(250) 354-4139

We cannot always build our future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
F.D. Roosevelt


