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Communicating Student Learning


Starting September 2023 BC Schools will have a New reporting standard

K-12 Reporting Policy Important Information to share with Staff and Families:

Descriptive Feedback for Academic Reporting:

  • Highlights areas of individual student growth in relation to the learning standards
  • Clearly communicates areas for future growth and provides strategies to further learning for each student
  • Is strengths-based and tailored to each individual student
  • Is concise and doesn’t need to summarize the learning standards or a teacher’s unit plans
  • Uses family-friendly language
  • Includes information on goals a student can work toward, both at school and at home
  • Describes ways in which the student’s learning will be further supported by the teacher, and how parents and caregivers might help

The Provincial Proficiency Scale:

  • The four-point Provincial Proficiency Scale is used to communicate student learning in all areas of learning.
  • It is a requirement for student reporting in grades K-9.
  • The four points on the scale are Emerging, Developing, Proficient, and Extending.
  • Every student has a place on the proficiency scale at any given time.
    • “Emerging” indicates that a student is just beginning to demonstrate learning in relation to the learning standards, but is not yet doing so consistently.  Emerging is not failing.
    • “Developing” indicates that a student is demonstrating learning in relation to the learning standards with growing consistency.  The student is showing initial understanding but is still in the process of developing their competency in relation to the learning standards.  Developing is not failing.  All students will be developing in some areas and at specific points in time.
    • “Proficient” is the goal for students.  A student is proficient when they demonstrate the expected learning in relation to the learning standards consistently or most of the time.
    • “Extending” is not synonymous with perfection.  Extending means a student is demonstrating learning in relation to the learning standards with increasing depth and complexity.  Just because a student turns in all their work and demonstrate evidence of learning in all learning standards for the given area of learning it does not necessarily mean that the student should automatically be assigned Extending.

Letter grades and percentages - Gr. 10 - 12

  • Averaging marks over a term, semester or year does not provide an accurate picture of student learning.
  • Learning demonstrated close to the communication of student learning will be the most reflective of student proficiency and should be used as the strongest evidence of learning.
  • Recent evidence of learning in the final term should be considered more deeply than initial evidence of learning as it provides a more accurate demonstration of a student’s learning in relation to the learning standards at the time.

Insufficient Evidence of learning (IE)

  • IE is used to alert parents, caregivers and students when students, for a variety of reasons, have not provided sufficient evidence of learning in relation to the learning standards.
  • IE is only appropriate when students, parents and caregivers have an interest in demonstrating further evidence of learning and/or would like to have the student’s mark eventually translated into a proficiency scale indicator or letter grade and percentage.  Otherwise Standing Granted (SG) or Fail (F) may be more appropriate.
  • If the IE will remain in place, a plan for support must be devised for the student so that the IE can be converted to another proficiency scale indicator or letter grade and percentage within one calendar year
  • In grades 10-12 IE cannot be used on a student’s transcript and must be converted to an alternative letter grade and percentage.